Ice cubes are mainly produced for the Ho.Re.Ca. sector.
Depending on specific needs, we manufacture and supply complete lines: from production to intermediate storage up to packaging and final storage, but also single or modular elements for productions of any size.
We have been chosen by Vogt, inventor of the tube system, as distributors of their plants in Africa and Italy.
We develop entire projects for certified food ice factories, complete with all the necessary equipment. With our systems you can obtain different types of ice cubes:
– TUBE ice: irregular cylindrical cube with or without central hole, invented in America and produced by a single generator that ensures a reduced production cost.
Size: Ø30x25h mm – Weight: 18-22 gr
– GOURMET ice: cylindrical without hole, produced through single modules that can be connected to a single central unit.
Size: Ø32x30h mm – Weight: 22 gr
– SQUARED CUBE, produced by individual modules that can be connected to a single central unit
Size: 28x28x28mm – Weight: 23 gr
– EXTRA LARGE CUBE, produced as square cubes, from single modules that can be connected to a single central unit
Size: 32x32x32h – Weight: 31 gr
All systems are designed and manufactured to always guarantee:
- Compliance with established budgets
- Meticulous attention to detail
- High quality materials
- Long lasting durability
- Ease of use
- High energy efficiency
- Reduced operating costs
- Efficient, productive, and safe working conditions